Investment will be directed by the Round 3 Capability and Infrastructure Investment Principles which build on Queensland Genomics Round 1 and Round 2, and have been approved by Queensland Health.

Round 3 Capability and Infrastructure activities will be led by Queensland Health and Hospital and Health Services with support from other Queensland Genomics partners as needed.

Investment will be directed towards activities that:

  • Build capability and capacity in Queensland Health to support medical genomics in line with strategic priorities
  • Support Round 3 Clinical Projects.

Selection Process (Capability and Infrastructure)

To determine Round 3 Capability and Infrastructure activities, over the next few months, Queensland Genomics will engage with:

  • Queensland Health and Round 2 Capability and Infrastructure initiatives to develop plans for Round 3 that fill key areas of need within Queensland’s health system.
  • Round 3 Clinical Projects to identify clinical project requirements from capability and infrastructure investment.


The Round 3 project selection process is underway.

Queensland Genomics will prepare the Round 3 Business Case for Governance Oversight Group endorsement prior to Director-General approval. Project contracting and start up will begin following Director-General approval.

All Round 3 projects must align to Queensland Genomics’ end date of 30 June 2021.

For more information

Email projects@qldgenomics.test with any questions about the Round 3 Capability and Infrastructure Selection Process.

To stay up to date on the Round 3 project selection process sign up for the Queensland Genomics eNewsletter.