We’re working to understand and tackle the education and training needs of health professionals.

To give them the knowledge and confidence to deliver genomic health services now and into the future. 

GP Education

Developing genomics education materials for the GP workforce, so they can confidently and accurately use genomic information in clinical decision making. This will help GP’s identify genomics issues early to ensure patients receive the best quality of care.


GP with Patient
Nursing & Midwifery Education

Supporting nurses and midwives to advance their practice to incorporate genomics. Develop educational resources to ensure they have the skills and knowledge they need to incorporate genomic advances into their everyday nursing and midwifery practice.


student graduation
Masters in Diagnostic Genomics

Through a partnership with QUT, the project team established the first Masters in Diagnostic Genomics in Australasia. Available for health professionals and researchers to enhance their knowledge of genomics.


Variant Curation Workshops

To further build core capabilities in genetic pathology within Queensland, Queensland Genomics partnered with Melbourne Genomics to deliver ‘hands on’ professional workshops on variant curation.


Myeloid cancer
Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Referral Pathways

Improving access to genetic testing and counselling services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. A new model of care will be developed that is patient and family centred, culturally appropriate, and improve the experience and outcomes for this group of people.

Renal education
Renal Education

Delivering a multidisciplinary education program to upskill renal clinicians, providing them with the knowledge and confidence to incorporate selected genetic services into mainstream practice. Streamlining renal genetic services to facilitate more timely patient care and an improved experience for patients.

Acute leukaemia in children
Qld Cancer Genomics Advisory Service

Support the development of Children’s Cancer Genomics Services via the Qld Children’s Hospital Cancer Department with a focus on family-led services in a “plan and do” approach (e.g. sequence whilst planning).

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