Workforce development
First master’s degree in diagnostic genomics to be delivered in Australia.
The use of genomics has the potential to transform healthcare, but new approaches to diagnosing and treating disease also brings potential ethical, legal and social issues.
Queensland Genomics Ethics, Legal and Social Implications project team are working towards developing a series of guidelines and policies to support a range of these matters including:
Working in partnership with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities across Queensland, this project team developed genomics research guidelines to help genomic health researchers work with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities in a way that respects cultural protocols.
Download Genomic Partnerships document.
QIMR Berghofer will consult the Hospital and Health Service’s Human Research Ethics Committees to establish a standardised approach to consent, and using collected genomics information for research purposes.
The team is exploring the management of genomic consent options within Queensland Health and will ensure current and future practices reflect public expectations for genomic data management. Activities in this workstream build on previous Queensland Genomics work and Australian Genomics work on ethics and consent.